All-inside ACL reconstruction is a newly developed advanced surgical procedure for treating ACL injuries.
Surgical procedures to treat ACL injuries were discovered in the late nineteenth century, and since then, the surgery has advanced day by day.
After many years, doctors came up with a new surgical procedure to treat ACL, i.e., arthroscopy (a minimally-invasive surgical procedure to treat joint problems).
From that moment, the techniques to treat joint problems (ACL injuries) were getting modifies to eliminate the open surgical procedure.
Furthermore, the modification and advancements were done to make the procedure minimally invasive, less complicated, lowering pain and intra-operative bleeding, and, most importantly, fast recovery.
Keeping these things in mind, doctors introduce the all-inside ACL reconstruction technique.
That saying, let’s discuss more about the all-inside ACL surgery technique surgical procedure.
What is All-inside ACL Reconstruction?
The all-inside ACL reconstruction technique is a minimally invasive type (MIS) used to treat ACL injuries, especially for young people.
It includes two closed-socket tunnels, doubles (femoral and tibial) suspensory fixation, and minor skin incisions.
Unlike traditional surgical methods, it benefits patients with lower bleeding, tissue damage, and bone loss. Besides, it also provides lower postoperative pain and faster recovery.
All-inside ACL reconstruction allows smaller skin incisions, reducing the risks of infection.
According to the best Ligament Doctor in Patna, this technique is highly beneficial for young people (age < 40 years),
However, in some cases, people over 40 years go with this procedure, especially if the patient is a sports person.
So, why is this surgical technique needed, or what causes an ACL injury leading to surgery? Let’s understand this in the following section.
Causes of ACL Injuries
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are prevalent and can happen without warning.
It refers to the tear or sprain of the ACL (the strongest ligament that connects the thigh bone to the shinbone).
Anybody can suffer from an ACL injury, but it most commonly happens with a sports person who plays contact sports, like football, basketball, soccer, and more.
Below are a few causes of an ACL injury that may lead to all-inside ACL reconstruction surgery:
- Quick change direction.
- Sudden stopping.
- Slowing down rapidly while running.
- Bad landing from a jump.
- Direct collision or hit of the knee.
- Repeated stress to the knee.
- Twisting and backward bending of the knee joint.
Thus, these are some of the causes of ACL injury. You can prevent injury by preventing these causes.
If you come across any of these causes, you first need to consult the best Orthopedic doctor in Patna for proper diagnosis and treatment.
And after diagnosing your condition properly, the doctor may advise you to go for surgery through the all-inside ACL reconstruction technique.
This surgical technique follows an advanced procedure to treat ACL injuries. Doctors have shared the procedure so that patients can get to know everything about the surgery.
The Procedure of All-inside ACL Reconstruction Surgery
All-inside ACL reconstruction technique is slightly similar to the arthroscopy technique.
But the significant difference is that in the arthroscopy technique, surgeons make a small incision, but in all inside ACL surgery, they just make small “poke-hole” incisions.
The surgeon requires a graft (a small piece of living bone) harvested either from the patient or a donor.
After getting the graft, the surgeon replaced it with the damaged part with a titanium washer and sutures, then threaded through the tunnels inside the knee and pulled tightly.
Note: All this procedure happens under the visualization of a camera.
However, this is a brief introduction to the procedure of all inside ACL reconstruction surgery.
According to studies, this surgical technique is very precise and offers a maximum success rate.
All-inside ACL Reconstruction Recovery
As all inside ACL surgery follows a minimally invasive surgical procedure, it offers faster recovery.
Research has shown that it involves less complication, pain, and shorter rehabilitation periods. Many patients have considered this surgery and are happy with their decision.
They have noticed several benefits, such as regaining a normal range of motion, better stability, and more.
According to their reviews, they returned to their regular activities very soon after the surgery.
Moreover, they achieved complete recovery after a period of \three to four months.
Long answer short, the all-inside ACL reconstruction recovery time is very short compared to traditional methods.
Hence, this is everything you need to know about the all-inside ACL reconstruction surgical technique.
So, if you suffer from any knee problem and need to get professional advice, you must consult the best Orthopedic doctor in Patna.
All-inside ACL reconstruction surgery is a modified and advanced surgical technique to treat ACL tears or sprains.
This surgical technique has shown tremendous results and has the highest success rate worldwide.
Patients who come across ACL injuries are highly recommended to consider this surgery (If the doctor advises after proper diagnosis).
All inside ACL surgery is especially beneficial for athletes or people who play contact sports as they can return to their activities very soon.
Hope you find the information about all-inside ACL reconstruction informative. If you’ve any queries, you can ask in the comments or book an appointment with Dr. Ramakant Kumar, the best Ligament Doctor in Patna.