Women and Osteoarthritis Risk Factors – A Comprehensive Analysis

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Osteoarthritis is becoming common these days, especially in women. This disease occurs when a flexible tissue which is located just at the end of the blog gets damaged.

Damaging of this flexible tissue causes the two bones to rub each other, which leads to pain and swelling. This degenerative joint disease can occur in any part of the body.

But the knee, hips hands, and spine most common joints affected by osteoarthritis. It can happen in both men and women to your surprise health experts believe that women are more prone to this than men. So, is it true Let’s find out.


Are Women More Prone to Osteoarthritis? 

If you read the previous section carefully, then you must have got the knowledge of why osteoarthritis occurs.

But the real question that must be messing up with your head is whether are women more prone to this disease or not.

Well according to data women who are more than the age of 50 to 60 are more likely to have osteoarthritis in hand than the men in the same group.

We also know that the hip bones in men and women are different. But do you know that this difference in hip bone increases the chance of women having osteoarthritis than men?

Females have 10% more hip osteoarthritis than men. Furthermore, when it comes to knee osteoarthritis women are 40% more likely to have this degenerative joint disease.

One research shows that osteoarthritis in a 40-year-old woman is pretty common because it starts at this stage. Most of the women who report severe arthritis pain come from that particular age group.

We believe this data is enough to make someone understand if is osteoarthritis more common in males or females

But why is osteoarthritis in women more common than in men? What Physical features or health issues make the difference? 


Why Are Women More Prone to Osteoarthritis? 

We are now sure that osteoarthritis is more common in females than men. But why is osteoarthritis more common in females?

According to the best arthritis doctor in Patna, some physical feature and health issues leads to this noticeable difference. Here are some of the most common ones:

#1. Weight 

Who most commonly gets osteoarthritis? Well, know women but obese women have higher chances than normal women.

The most common reason behind any type of arthritis disease in men or women is obesity. But as women tend to have a higher body fat percentage than men because of slower metabolism, arthritis affects them the most.

Furthermore, when a woman hits menopause their body starts storing fat which leads to obesity sometimes.

This increased fat or body weight puts pressure on the joints, which damages the cartilage or the flexible tissue. This explains why is osteoarthritis more common in elderly women than young ones.

As we age our bones also tend to lose their strength which is another reason why of is not a good idea to put much weight on them. 


#2. Hormone 

We all are well aware of the mood swings that women experience during their menstruation cycles. This happens because of the change in hormone levels.

However, according to some arthritis specialists in Patna, these hormonal changes are also responsible for osteoarthritis.

Studies show that during menstruation women’s bodies tend to increase joint laxity. It means your joint becomes more flexible and mobile, which is good but sometimes it may lead to instability and injury, which can result in injury.

Additionally, in the previous point, we have discussed how menopause has a hand in osteoarthritis in women, which is a hormonal problem.  


#3. Anatomy 

When discussing how are women more prone to osteoarthritis, many people don’t consider the women’s body anatomy.

But let me tell you it is one of the main factors that increase the chance of women having osteoarthritis than men.

Previously we have discussed that hip bones are wider than the men. This itself is enough to increase the stress in the knee joints.

Furthermore, this little difference in anatomy makes the stand and walk differently than the men. Studies have proven that in comparison to men, women’s knee doesn’t fit together perfectly, which result in cartilage damage.

Additionally, the women’s knee cartilage size is smaller than the men’s. 


#4. Increased Physical Activity 

Last but not least sports, yes you read it right. As we can witness more and more girls are getting participating in numerous physical activities with each passing day.

We are not saying that they should not, but sports are full of injuries, which may lead to osteoarthritis. As we have discussed female knee bones are not attached properly.

This dis-alignment of knee bones may lead to an injury called Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in women because of increased physical activities.

Health experts believe that in the world we see more osteoarthritis cases in women because of their interest in sports, which is linked to injuries like ACL. This is because these injuries can lead to osteoarthritis, even after being surgically repaired. 

So, these were 4 reasons why are women more prone to osteoarthritis. But ladies worry not as there are also some ways to prevent this disease.

You can also read about >>>> Heat vs Cold Therapy for Arthritis


How to Prevent Osteoarthritis in Women?

Indeed, Osteoarthritis is common in women but to your surprise, there are also some ways to prevent it. You will never have to go through that unbearable pain if you just focus on some basic lifestyle-changing tips:

  1. Take Care of Your Body Weight – even the arthritis best doctor in Patna, gives this advice to their female patients. Extra weight not only puts stress on your joints but also supports swelling, with the help of fat tissues. 


  1. Be active – Yes to told you that activity is also a reason behind Osteoarthritis in women. But remember that rigorous physical activity as we do in sports is responsible for knee injury.

But slow walking or running is acceptable. It keeps the joint muscle strong and flexible. Can exercise slow down osteoarthritis? If the activity you are doing is not prone to injury. 

Additionally keeping your blood sugar in check is also important to take prevent Osteoarthritis in women.

But if, you believe that your osteoarthritides have reached the point where these tips are not going to help, then come to our clinic and consult Dr Ramakant Kumar.

This highly experienced ortho doctor in Patna will give personalized treatment and stay with you as an ally through the process. So, think no more contacting our clinic for the betterment of your life. 

Joint Health Disparities: Decoding Osteoarthritis Vulnerability in Women

Going through this blog we get to learn that women are indeed more prone to Osteoarthritis. This is because of their physical anatomy and some bodily functions.

Hormonal changes are one of the main reasons women have higher chances of having Osteoarthritis. But worry not as we have also discussed some tips as well to prevent these diseases.

Women who believe that their osteoarthritis pain is not going anywhere even after following these tips, then you should come to our clinic and discuss your problem with Dr. Ramaknat Kumar.

He is one of the best orthopedic doctors in Patna who has treated numerous patients with ortho disease. 

We hope after reading this blog you are clear about whether are women more prone to osteoarthritis or not. 

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