We live in a world where sitting on a chair the whole day has become a necessity. This necessity has given rise to many health issues related to joints and muscles.
It is one of the reasons why joint problems are becoming common these days. avascular necrosis is one such joint issue that has affected numerous people in recent years.
So, if you are one of them then worry not as you are not alone in this. In avascular necrosis, the bone tissue gets affected due to a lack of blood supply.
According to joint replacement surgeons in Patna, this generally happens in the hip area and is known as avascular necrosis of hip joint.
If you want to get your hip joint issues diagnosed, with a top-class surgeon you must consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar. Meanwhile, we will try to know what is avascular necrosis of hip joint in Detail. So, without any further ado let’s get started.
What is Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint?
Vascular Necrosis also known as Osteonecrosis usually affects the hip joint. This painful condition emerges when the blood supply to your hip joint bone gets disrupted due to some reason.
Lack of blood supply results in the death of bone cells, which leads to serious conditions like arthritis.
Avascular necrosis of the hip doesn’t affect all parts of the joint but targets only the femoral head, which is a ball-shaped bone that fits inside the socket or the acetabulum.
In the starting phase, it doesn’t show any signs but it gets worse day by day leading to uncontrollable pain. This may make many of you wonder “How long can you live with avascular necrosis?”
Well, it is not a life-threatening disease but it can severely disrupt your lifestyle. So, if you want to prevent it or even slow down its onset, you must be aware of its causes.
What Causes Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint?
The best hip replacement surgeon in Patna suggests that to know the avascular necrosis causes, we have to first look for the causes of reduced blood supply:
#1. Joint Fracture and Bone Trauma
This mainly happens when you meet with an accident, which results in fracture and bone dislocation. This type of injury can negatively affect the blood vessels around the affected area.
A damaged blood vessel results in reduced blood flow to the cells, giving rise to avascular necrosis. There are two types of AVN of the hip and this comes under the traumatic type. Now let’s discuss the nontraumatic ones.
#2. Certain Medical Conditions
In the list of avascular necrosis hip causes, the medical conditions come on the top.
If you have any health condition that is disrupting the blood flow and not letting the blood reach the femoral head, then it will result in avascular necrosis of the hip joint.
Sickle cell, anaemia, and Gaucher’s are diseases that affect the flow of blood. Additionally, blood clotting disorders such as thrombophilia are also one of the reasons for disrupted blood flow.
#3. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is also another medical condition that can lead to avascular necrosis of the hip joint. However, not many people know about it.
Only a few of the best hip replacement surgeons in Patna are aware that Atherosclerosis can result in dangerous bone and joint issues. In this disease fats and cholesterol build up in the arteries, which narrows the path and blocks the blood flow.
This disruption in blood flow for a longer time eventually gives rise to joint issues like avascular necrosis.
So, these are the known causes of avascular necrosis of hip joint. The reason we have used the word “known” is because about 20% of these joint diseases occur without any known reasons. But, its symptoms are clear.
Symptoms of Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint
As we have discussed, avascular necrosis of hip symptoms is very hard to catch in its early stages. But as the joint issue worsens it starts showing the symptoms.
Hip pain is the most common and early symptom of avascular necrosis of hip joint. You may experience a dull ache and a little pain in your buttock area.
As the disease progresses, the amount of pain will also increase. Now your joint will hurt just by putting a little body weight on it.
In the final stage, you feel pain in your hip joint even if you are just lying comfortably on the bed. However, the process may take several months or years as this is how the progressive diseases show their true faces.
In the starting months, the pain will be not too discomforting, but one must not take it lightly. It is important to diagnose and treat it in its early stage otherwise it will lead to unbearable hip joint pain.
Further studies have also proven that treating avascular necrosis of hip joints in early stages results in better outcomes.
Also, the avascular necrosis stage 3 treatment can be too harsh physically and as well as financially. But what is the best treatment for avascular necrosis? Let’s find out.
Ways to Treat Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint
There are two types of treatments for avascular necrosis of the hip joint: surgical and another is non-surgical. In nonsurgical treatments, medications are the most common one.
But they are not a permanent salutation. This is why we will give you the names of the 5 surgical teammates or we can say permanent treatments:
- Core decompression
- Vascularized fibula graft
- Bone grafting
- Osteotomy
- Hip joint replacement surgery
So these were the 5 main surgical treatments that are used to deal with avascular necrosis of the hip joint.
Among all these 5 avascular necrosis of hip treatment core decompression is used in the early stages and hip joint replacements are performed to deal with the last stage of avascular necrosis.
Follow-up Care for Avascular Necrosis of the Hip Joint
It’s a progressive disease that occurs because the disrupts blood flow. There are numerous causes of reduced blood flow in the joint.
In this blog, we have discussed the most common ones that lead to avascular necrosis of the hip joint. Additionally, we have also talked about the symptoms and 5 surgical treatments for this issue.
We also learn that hip joint replacement is used to treat the last stage of avascular necrosis of the hip joint.
So, if you believe your joint issues have reached their final stage, you must consult a good ortho surgeon. But who is the best doctor for hip replacement in Patna?
Well, Dr. Ramakant Kumar is one such orthopedic doctor who gained popularity in this city because of his experience and committed approach.
Contact him as soon as possible for your hip replacement surgery.