Because of the sedentary lifestyle, slip discs are becoming a common problem around the globe. It leads to acute or chronic back pain that can affect one life negatively.
People who are between the age group of 25-55 are the prime candidates for a herniated disc or slipped disc. It happens when the soft cushion of tissue between the bones in the spine bulges outwards due to a plethora of reasons.
According to the best doctor in Patna for orthopedics – Dr. Ramakant Kumar these soft cushion-like tissues work as a sock observer for the spine.
Not all slip discs cause pain and some of the time they get better with rest. Many health experts suggest that their patients rely on specific exercises as a slipped disc treatment in Patna.
So, in this blog, we are going to provide you with some best exercises for slipped disc recovery.
Best Exercises for Slipped Disc Recovery
When you are suffering from a severe slipped disc issue then lying down and sitting for a long time in the name of resting is not going to do any good for you.
It can even make your condition worse. So, what is the fastest way to recover from a slipped disc?
Well according to the best doctor in Patna for orthopedics performing some physical activity can do wonders for slip disc patients. Here’s some slip disc exercise that you can do at home:
#1. Knee to Chest Stretches
Can exercise fix a slipped disc? Yes, exercises can fix slip discs and knee-chest stretch is the best example of that. This exercise supports sleep disc recovery by relieving tension in the lower back muscles.
Additionally, it also improves posture and promotes flexibility which prevents further injuries to the back bones and muscles.
Most people use it as their first morning stretches for herniated discs. Follow these steps if you wish to perform it too:
- Lie on your back while bending your knee
- Now bring one knee towards yourself and grab it with both hands
- Then start pulling the knee towards you until you feel the complete stretch in your back
- After releasing this position repeat it with the other legs
Hold this position for 5 seconds and perform them for at least 10 to 20 reps.
#2. Seated Chair Stretches
Seated chair stretch is one of the best exercises for slipped discs and lower back pain. This particular exercise gently relieves the pressure on the spine which supports the recovery.
Additionally, it also helps in improving flexibility and improves blood flow. To perform this safe exercise for bulging discs in the lower back you have to first:
- Sit on a chair and extend your one leg in front of you
- Remember to put your heel on the floor
- Now, lean forward over your extended leg by straightening your spine
- Perform the same movement by switching to another leg
Perform this exercise with both legs at least 5 times.
#3. Kneeling Deep Lunges
Do slipped discs fully heal? According to the top orthopedic Doctor in Patna, 90% time herniated disc heals with the right choice of exercises.
Kneeling deep lunges is one such exercise that has helped numerous people deal with the slip disc. Like all the other exercises it also improves flexibility and strengthens the muscles around the spine too.
So, those who are wondering, how to strengthen my back after a slipped disc, should rely on this exercise. These are the steps to perform it perfectly:
- Kneel on your knee carefully by extending the other knee in for of you
- Keep the foot on the floor and place your hands on top of your extended knee for support
- Lift the back knee off the floor and hold that position for 5 seconds
- Return your back knee to the floor, switch the legs, and repeat on the other side.
Repeat this stretch at least 5 times to see better results.
#4. Neck Stretches
If you look at slip disc exercise images then you will most probably come across the neck stretch exercises too.
This is because the neck bone is the part of the spine that gets affected too with slip discs.
Neck stretch exercises reduce the pressure on the spine and also improve the blood in the affected area, which supports recovery. To perform a perfect neck stretch you have to first:
- Sit upright on the chair and angel your head towards the chest
- Now raise your head to an upright position
- Then lower your left year towards your left shoulder without twisting your neck
- Return to your normal position and repeat the same movement with another year
Repeat this sequence at least 5 to 10 times, 2 to 3 times a day.
#5. Standing Lumbar Extension
There are many slipped disc exercises to avoid and standing lumbar extension is not one of them. According to the Orthopedic Surgery specialist Patna, this exercise helps in sleep disc recovery in many ways.
It reduces the pressure on the affected disc and relieves tension on the nearby nerves, which helps reduce pain and discomfort. Follow these steps to perform this exercise:
- Stand up tall and put your hands on your hips
- Not gently push the hips forward to extend your lower back
- Hold this position for 2-3 seconds
Repeat it for a total of 10 repetitions for better results.
So these were the best exercises for slipped disc recovery.
If you still have queries related to slip disc-like, whether walking is OK for a slipped disc or not then you must get in touch with the top orthopedic surgeons in Patna.
Exercise Routines to Support Slipped Disc Recovery
With each passing day slip disc is becoming common among people. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common reasons behind this issue.
There are many ways to deal with slipped discs and opting for some specific exercises are most effective one. This is why in this blog we have provided you with 5 best exercises for slipped disc recovery.
If you wish to know more in detail or have a query like “Which exercise is best for L4-L5 disc bulge?” then you must get in touch with Dr. Ramakant Kumar. He is the best orthopedic doctor in Patna who has helped numerous people slip disc issues.
This committed orthosurgeon has years of experience in dealing with backbone problems. Not only that he is also famous in the town for treating issues related to knee and hip joints.
So, stop looking for a “slip disc doctor near me” and book an online appointment with this orthopedic doctor if you wish to get rid of your slipped disc problem in no time.