Knee Pain Exercises to Improve Overall Joint Function

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Knee pain exercises are one of the best ways to reduce pain, improve motion range, increase strength, and more.

However, many people are afraid to perform any exercise as they think it can increase pain.

But the best orthopedic doctor in Patna stated that regular exercise could help in reducing knee pain.

In addition, it also improves the overall condition of your knee joints.

According to studies published in NCBI, exercises can provide relief in knee pain if done properly.

Therefore, this blog will share some best knee pain exercises that you can perform to help your knees.

So, let’s get started with it.

Best Low-impact Knee Pain Exercises

There are several forms of knee pain relief exercises at home you can perform either at home or some other place.

Every exercise has its benefits, such as some can help in improving range of motion, and some can help strengthen your knee joints.

So, first, let’s see some knee pain exercises that can help your knee joints make more flexible, increase motion range, and reduce pain.

#1. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is one of the best exercises to reduce knee pain and also helps in improving the flexibility and strength of knee joints.

According to a study published on NCBI, Tai Chi is beneficial in reducing knee pain and improving function.

In addition, it also helps the overall body, which is both the upper and lower body.

#2. Walking (For 20-30 minutes)

Walking has always been and always will be the best exercise to improve overall health conditions.

However, people who suffer from knee pain don’t want to walk as they think it will increase their problems.

But it is not true, as studies show that walking is beneficial for reducing knee pain.

The best orthopedic doctor Patna suggests walking for at least 20 minutes a day to reduce knee pain.

#3. Stationary Cycling

Stationary cycling can help in making your knee more flexible and working.

According to a review published in Clinical Rehabilitation, regular stationary cycling can improve knee pain.

In addition, it also helps in stronger legs muscle that supports knee joints.

#4. Yoga

In some recent studies, it has been found that practicing different yoga forms can help in reducing knee pain.

The best knee replacement doctor Patna suggests practicing yoga at least two to three times a week.

Certainly, yoga can be one of the best ways to help knee pain at home.

Thus, these are some low-impact exercises that can help you reduce knee pain.

Now, let’s see some top knee-strengthening exercises in the coming sections.

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Strengthening Knee Pain Exercises

Knee joints can lose their strength due to several factors, especially older age. So, to avoid any severe knee damage, you must strengthen your knees.

And to help you do so, here are some knee-strengthening exercises that you can follow:

#1. Straight Leg Raise

Straight Leg Raise for knee pain is a general strengthening exercise to strengthen your knee.

It primarily focuses on the quadriceps (the muscle at the front of the thigh) and the hip flexor muscles.

The quadriceps help your knee joints in supporting the overall weight of your body. So, it is important to increase the strength of the quadriceps muscle to reduce the pressure on the knees.

In short, putting lower pressure on the knee joints can help in improving/reducing knee pain.

#2. Half Squats

You may have heard many people saying that half squats can cause more pain to your knee joints.

In addition, it can also cause some severe damage to your knee joints, such as cartilage damage and all.

On the other hand, the best orthopedic doctor suggests that half squats benefit people suffering from knee pain.

According to a study on NCBI, half squats can help in reducing knee pain as it is beneficial for the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings.

However, it is important to be careful while doing half workout to reduce knee pain.

#3. Leg extensions

You may have seen people performing leg extension exercises with a lever machine.

But having a lever machine is not important as you perform it as a knee-strengthening exercise.

Many professionals have also suggested performing leg extension exercises with your body weight only. This is because if you perform with a machine, you may hit some extra weight that may cause more pain.

So, how to do it properly with your body weight?

To perform it properly, you have to sit on a chair, straighten your hands, and raise your legs one by one.

#4. Hamstring Curl

Hamstring curls are one of the best knee pain exercises as they reduce the stiffness of the knees.

In addition, it can also improve the strength and range of motion of the knees.

According to studies, the hamstring muscle can reduce the pressure on your knees and make them more stable.

(Hamstring muscles are the skeletal muscles at the back of your thigh). Moreover, strengthening the hamstring muscle can benefit your knee joints.

#5. Calf Raises

Calves raise is an exercise that helps strengthen the calf muscles of your legs.

(Calf muscles are the muscles on the back side of the lower leg).

Strong calves muscle benefits in making the knee joints more flexible and reducing pain.

It is made up of two muscle groups, i.e., gastrocnemius and soleus. These muscles group together to support the knee joints in regular movement.

Moreover, strong calf muscles can improve the functionality of knee joints.

So, it is essential to strengthening your calf muscles by raising your hills higher (depending on your limits).

Pro TipTake support from walls and raise your hills as high as possible, then lower. Repeat it at least 10-15 times.

Always remember to take proper rest after performing any knee pain relief exercises. It can help your knee joints to heal properly.

Thus, these are some knee pain exercises that you can perform to improve your overall knee condition.

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Knee Pain Exercises Conclusion

From this blog, you must get an idea of the best exercise for knee pain.

However, it is also important to know the knee pain exercises to avoid, and they are:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Kickboxing
  • Or any high-intensity workouts.

These workouts can increase your knee pain or may cause more damage.

In some studies, it is also found that too much resting can also cause damage to knee joints such as imbalance, non-functionality, stiffness, and more.

Therefore, asking a professional before following any knee pain exercises is essential.

And if you want to consult a professional, you can contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar, the best orthopedic doctor in Patna.

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