This blog deals with the Difference between Knee Arthroscopy and Knee Replacement surgery along with the points that should be considered before choosing the one between these surgeries…………….. The conservative knee pain treatment option no longer provide benefit to people with chronic, severe knee pain. Thus, they have to make a decision between two
Contents0.0.1 Knee Pain is the most common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain can be the result of an injury such as a rupture ligament or torn cartilage.1 Knee Pain Symptoms Checker2 Knee Pain Causes3 Knee Pain Diagnosis4 Knee Pain Treatment4.1 Knee Pain Medicine4.2 Physical Therapy4.3 Injections5 Dr. Ramakant Kumar – Best
Contents0.0.1 Suffering from PCL injury and looking for Best PCL Reconstruction Surgery Doctor in Patna???1 About Posterior Cruciate Ligament Anatomy (PCL)2 What Are PCL Injuries?2.1 Injuries to the PCL can be graded as I, II or III that depends on the severity of the condition:3 Symptoms of PCL Injuries3.1 Symptoms of PCL Injuries include:4 Diagnosis
Read this blog to know about Dr. Ramakant Kumar, a Top Orthopedic Doctor in Patna Bihar. Also, know about the symptoms and conditions that an orthopedic doctor treats along with the best Bone and Joint Clinic in Patna Bihar………………….. Orthopedic Doctors are doctors who are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
Looking for a Joint Replacement Surgeon in Patna, consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar – Best Joint Replacement Doctor in Patna. To know why he is the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Patna take a look at this blog……… But before that let’s understand what is joint replacement surgery, why is it needed, its types, and complications………….
Does cold weather really cause joint pain? Or it’s all just in head… According to studies and anecdotal research, There are numerous conflicting answers to this particular question… There may be a correlation between weather and joint pain, and that one of the causes of increased pain may not be the weather itself, but the
All phases of total hip replacement are important. These include hip replacement recovery, rehabilitation, anesthesia and preoperative pain management, post-operative pain management and the surgical technique. Patients do best when they understand what is expected of them after surgery, as following instructions and protocols is very important. Your physician will provide specific instructions but there