3 Best Exercises for Building Bone Density

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Read throughout the bog to find out about the 3 best bone density building exercises.

According to research, around fifty million (five crores) people are suffering from bone density.

During childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, your bones keep developing their strength and density. But once you reach thirty, your bones will start losing their strength and density.

You may even face difficulties while performing any regular activity along with pain.

Pro Tip: If in Patna, you can consult the best Bone Specialist in Patna for a personalized treatment plan.

Therefore, this blog shares the top 3 Bone Density Building Exercises you can follow to build bone density.

But foremost, let’s take a look at why exercising is important for bone health.


Why Exercising is Important for Bone Health?

Healthy bones are significant for the healthy lifestyle of a person.

It can give you the freedom to do daily activities like walking, running, jumping, and more without hassle.

But once you reach your 30s, your bones will start losing their strength.

But fortunately, you can avoid all these via exercises.

Bone specialists suggest following some regular and personalized bone density-building exercises. Following these can eventually make your bones stronger than before.

But before sharing those, there are certain things that you need to follow.

Let’s discuss what should you do before you start bone density-improving exercises.

What Not to do During Bone Density Exercises?

Exercise is always good for the health of everyone.

But if you’re having a skeletal problem, you should be careful while exercising. You may also head to a spontaneous fracture or bone injury on the weakest part.

In addition, never be forceful with your body to do any activities.

Further, you must consider a professional before starting any exercise programs.

It is also essential to make a proper exercise routine with their help before you start.

Moving ahead in this blog, let’s now let you through the 3 major bone density building exercises.


3 Bone Density Building Exercises 

There are various exercises that can be beneficial for you.

For example, some weight-bearing exercises can help you increase bone density and make your bone healthy by can gently putting pressure on your bones.

As a result, your body provides your bone with some added tissue to increase bone density.

Some weight-bearing exercises to do to increase bone density are…


#1. Strength Training

Strength training exercises are primary for building bone density and decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

However, it is also crucial for an overall fitness program for anyone.

It involves the use of light weights or even your body weight to help you with bone density.

You can do strength training with free weights, weight machines, cable suspensions, and more. But, be careful while using weight machines and always be and try not to twist your affected bone.


#2. Resistance Exercises

Resistance exercises are also beneficial for increasing bone density.

When you add resistance, your body releases calcium, magnesium, and other minerals.

This help strengthens your bone and further increase bone density.

In addition, the best thing is that you can do most resistance exercises at home.

Listed below are a few popular ones…

  • Pushups
  • Seated pushups (adapted)
  • Standing pushups
  • Resistance bands
  • Band pull

Following them at a regular interval can surely improve your bone density.


#3. Cardio

Cardio exercises, also known as aerobics, are essential for good health and bone strengthening.

When we hear the word cardio, most people think of swimming, running, jogging, and jumping.

But not everybody likes it, or it doesn’t mean a “one-size-fits-all” exercise.

People with knee problems don’t prefer running or jumping and surely should avoid it.

Listed below are a few popular cardio exercises…

  • High knees
  • Lateral Shuffles
  • Lunge Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers

Note– These exercises are not for everyone, and it is also not compulsory to follow every practice.

It is better to consult a professional and then add cardio to your exercise routine, depending on your needs.



Your bones get the maximum minerals during childhood and early adulthood.

But when you reach thirty, your bones start losing strength and density.

Though you can avoid this by having adequate nutrients and a proper exercise regime. But still, if the condition isn’t improving…taking advice from a professional doctor can be the best.

If in Patna or nearby, consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar, the Best Doctor in Patna for Orthopaedic for a personalized treatment plan.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you.

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