What Are The Causes of Swollen Knee With Pain – Know Here!

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Causes of Swollen Knee With Pain? The knee is one of the body’s largest and most important joints.

It bears almost 80% of the body weight, so it’s more prone to problems. Knee swelling is one such issue that affects several people.

It occurs when excess fluid gets collected around the knee joints. The knee doctor in Patna also likes to call it knee effusion; according to him, pain and redness are the two most common symptoms. 

There can be many reasons behind its occurrence. The knee replacement doctor in Patna – Dr. Ramakant Kumar suggests that being aware of the causes of the swollen knee with pain can help in its prevention and treatment. 


7 Causes of Swollen Knee With Pain

Why is my knee so painful and swollen? Well, there can be many reasons behind this issue, but knowing about them all in one go is not practically possible.

However, being aware of some of the common ones can be a possibility:

#1. Injury 

We have discussed that knees are more prone to injuries as they bear 80% of the body weight. Even just a little smack into the coffee table or tumble during the workout can lead to swelling.

This is why health experts consider injuries as the most common cause of swollen knees with pain. Additionally, serious injuries like ACL tear is also one of the reasons behind the swelling and pain.

This generally happens during aggressive sports when the ligament that connects the thigh and shinbone gets torn. Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, and Volleyball are some of the sports that can lead to ACL injury. 


#2. Knee Osteoarthritis

Indeed, injury is one of the reasons behind knee pain and swelling but do you know What causes knee swelling and pain without injury?

According to doctors who provide knee replacement surgery in Patna, claims arthritis is also one of the reasons for knee pain and swelling.

Osteoarthritis is one such type of knee problem that occurs when the cartilage between the bones gets torn for some reason.

This health condition causes overproduction of joint fluid, which causes swelling. It also results in pain when the knee joint bones rub onto each other.

Those people who wonder “How do I know if my knee swelling is serious?” should get checked if they have Knee Osteoarthritis or not.


#3. Bursitis

There’s a fluid-filled sack in the knee called bursae. They work like slippery cushions that lower the friction between the bones, which leads to smooth functioning.

When these fluid sacks get irritated it leads to swelling as an inflammatory response. It generally occurs in front of the knee and puts pressure on the different parts which may or may not result in Pain.

But can a swollen knee be dangerous that occurs because of bursitis? Well, according to health experts, there are many types of bursitis and septic bursitis is one such issue that can be fatal sometimes.

You can also read about >>>>> Alternative of Knee Replacement Surgery


#4. Gout 

A gout is a form of arthritis that occurs because of the accumulation of microscopic uric crystals in the joint.

Uric acids are naturally found in the body but when their levels rise the body converts them into sharp urate crystals that build up in the joint and lead to severe pain and swelling.

Health experts suggest that if you have your knee swollen for 3 weeks or more, there’s a high chance of you suffering from gout.

It is one of the common reasons behind swollen knees in an older person. However, it not only affects the knee joints but wrist and finger joints are also prone to it.


#5. Torn Meniscus

It is another type of injury that is one of the most common causes of swollen knee with pain. A Torn Meniscus often forces the body to make extra joint fluid that gives rise to swelling in the knee.

The meniscus is a cartilage that works as a shock absorber that prevents knee joints from getting in contact.

However, when it gets damaged the knee bones rub on each other which leads to unbearable pain. This tear also creates more room in the knee for fluid when it’s slightly bent.

A sudden twist while moving and squatting can result in a meniscus tear.


#6. Infections 

By just looking at the swollen knee pictures, with no pain most health experts can talk about its causes, and according to them, the infection can be one of them.

Yes, you read right knee infection is also one of the causes of swollen knee with pain. It generally, occurs when the bacteria and germs get to the knee through a break in the skin.

If this infection is not treated on time, it can result in fever and also cause body shakes. Infections such as lupus that attack healthy tissue and lime disease that causes flue can give rise to knee swelling and pain. 


#7. Baker’s Cyst

A swelling that develops at the back of the knee that may or may not lead to pain is Baker’s Cyst.

Medical experts also love to call it a popliteal cyst which occurs when the tissues behind the knees get swollen and inflamed. It may give you a swollen knee with no pain experience as it is not related to joints.

It is a pretty common health issue that doesn’t pose any threat to the overall well-being. For this knee swelling, you don’t have to search for “knee specialist near me” as it can be fixed with a swollen knee treatment at home

So, these were the 7 causes of the swollen knee with pain that one could treat with the help of some orthopedic tips.

If you want to know What is the treatment for a swollen knee? Then read the next section carefully. 


Treatment of Swollen Knee 

Naturally, you’re in a hurry to know how to reduce swelling in your knee quickly as it may be affecting your day-to-day life badly.

Exercises to reduce fluid in the knee are one of the best ways to get rid of knee swelling and pain, but there are also some other ways to do it: 

  1. Rest
  2. Ice and Heat Therapy 
  3. Compression 
  4. Elevation 
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Massage Therapy 

If these treatment options fail to help you, then it’s high time you start searching “knee clinic near me”. Advanced Bone & Joint Clinic is one such health center that you can rely on for your knee swelling and pain.

It is run by the top orthopedic doctor of Patna – Dr Ramakant Kumar, who is an expert in dealing with knee joint issues. 


What’s Causing Your Swollen Knee and Pain?

The knee is prone to injury as they bear 80% of the body’s load. Additionally, its size is also one of the reasons behind it.

Knee swelling with pain is one of the common issues that most people experience at least once in their lifetime. There can be many causes of swollen knee with pain.

In this blog, we have provided you with 7 common ones. Additionally, we have also talked about some treatment options.

If those treatments option fails to provide relief, you may have to go through a knee replacement surgery.

So, if by chance you are looking for the most affordable Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Patna, you can contact Dr Ramakant Kumar.

Because of his popularity, he has a plethora of appointments. So we suggest you not waste any more time in contacting him.  

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