complex fracture doctor in patna

Dr. Ramakant Kumar – Best Complex Fracture Doctor in Patna


A complex fracture occurs when the bone breaks into many pieces causing a damage to the surrounding tissue and cartilage as a result. This can cause loss of bone fragments and joint dislocation.

Complex fractures are completely different form one patient to the next. In addition to that, recovering from complex fracture surgery is also very painful and difficult. Therefore, it’s crucial to design a well thought out and careful treatment plan for the patients undergoing this surgery.

That’s why it is important for the person with a complex fracture to look for some Professional Orthopedic like Dr. Ramakanth Kumar in order to get some specialized treatment.


Who Are More Likely to Experience a Complex Fracture?

Some people are at a high risk to experience a complex fracture than others. These include athletes or sportsperson, aging adults and women who aged 60 and over.

In addition to that, they can often occur with a high-energy mechanisms such as road accidents. Whereas in elderly patients, the same spectrum of severe injuries can occur even with low energy accidents such as a fall down the stairs.

Dr. Ramakant Kumar, Sports Injury Surgeon in Patna is well versed in treating athletes and understands the importance of a speedy recovery. Also, he has successfully assisted various old age people with complex fractures to recover as soon as possible.

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How Does the Treatment Look-Like for Complex Fractures?

While dealing with a complex fracture there can be damage to multiple bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Because there are usually several different areas of damage at ones, treatment and rehabilitation are intensive.

When patients experience more severe injuries and complications their treatment can be prolonged, resulting in permanent disability and mental health problems.

At Dr. Ramakant Kumar’s clinic, Quality Patients Care comes first, that’s why physician stays with the patients from diagnosis till full recovery. This is to ensure that the appropriate steps are carried out along the way and the patient will be back to normal as soon as possible.


How does the Surgery for Complex Fractures Performed?

A complex fracture involves multiple bone fragments being broken off, in addition to torn tendons and ligaments. The Ligament Surgeon will correct the complex fractures in various different ways depending on where the injury has occurred on the body.

Being the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna, Dr. Ramakant Kumar specializes in complex fracture repair in both upper and lower extremities. Planning for the proper surgical approach for such extensive surgeries, he says, involves studying the fracture pattern which can take some time.

Complicated fracture reconstruction and repair involves contemplating not only the right time and approach but also each particular incision, the specific implant and the potential need for more than one operation.


What is the Recovery like after Surgery?

After the healing of the injury, rehabilitation is necessary to regain motion in the areas. Based on the severity of the injury and where it is located, Dr. Ramakant and his team develop personalized rehabilitation programs.

These programs generally include gentle stretches, various exercises and other physical therapy methods to help the muscles gain flexibility and build-up strength.

A complex fracture may represent a life-changing injury. Though, when treatment goes with the plan, patients often experience a full return of function and can return to their job role quickly. However, the process usually takes 6 to 9 months, or even longer if the patients need multiple surgeries.


Dr. Ramakant Kumar – Best Complex Fracture Doctor in Patna

Ranked amongst the Top 5 Orthopedic Doctor in Patna, Dr. Ramakant Kumar is well versed in performing all the surgical procedures of Complex Fracture. He has also been referred to as the Sports Injury Doctor in Patna. This is because of his exceptionally low rate of complications and high patient satisfaction scores.

He is a committed high profile surgeon of international reckoning with several publications of PUBMED repute. He had the privilege of acquiring the requisite acumen and skills in orthopedic surgery from prestigious AIIMS, New Delhi. In addition to that, he has also done international fellowships in minimally invasive joint replacement surgery and knee arthroscopy.

Patients come to Dr. Ramakant Kumar clinic from all over Bihar for Complex Fracture care and to remain in his care until healed.

So, if you are planning to go for Complex Fracture surgery and looking for Orthopedic Surgeon in Patna, then you must consider Dr. Ramakant Kumar……


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