ALL Inside ACL Reconstruction and Repair Surgery

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Suffering from severe and chronic knee pain, consider going for ACL reconstruction surgery. 

The Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery is the most advanced procedure to reduce knee pain and improve its functionality.

It follows a minimally invasive surgical procedure that minimizes ACL reconstruction surgery recovery time.

The ACL is present in the center of the knees, which helps to prevent the separation of the shin bone from the thigh bone. In addition, it also helps to prevent knees from being stretched beyond their normal limits.

Therefore, it’s essential to maintain the health of this ligament for the proper functionality of the knee joints.

And if you suffer from a tear in the ACL, you must consult the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Patna to avoid further damage/problems.

But what makes you consult an orthopedic doctor? Below are some symptoms that may help you understand so!

Symptoms of ACL Injury

Below are the symptoms of ACL reconstruction surgery:

  • Severe and chronic pain in the knee joints.
  • Popping sensation/sound in the knees.
  • Feel instability while standing, walking, etc.
  • Restricted range of motion (you may not even straighten the joint).
  • Not even able to bear the body weight.
  • Rapid swelling.
  • Bruising around the knee.
  • Numbness down the affected knee joint (rarely occurs and severe ACL damage).

Note: If you notice any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

In other words, if you’re suffering from these symptoms, you’re a potential candidate for ACL reconstruction surgery.

However, there is no age limit for ACL surgery, and the best ACL Reconstruction Surgeon in Patna suggests this to people who want to return to their everyday lives.

According to him, people who regularly do physical activities, such as athletes, are the best candidates for this treatment as they can plan on returning to their favorite sport.

So, don’t wait for more; go for the surgery ASAP and avoid further damage to the knee joints.

You should also read: Is It Okay to Delay ACL Surgery?

Now that you know the symptoms let’s see the advantages that you’ll get after ACL reconstruction surgery.

Advantages of ACL Reconstruction Surgery

If you’ve decided to go for the surgery, these are the advantages that you’ll notice. Or if you haven’t decided yet, these advantages can help you decide what to do.

High success rate: Data shows that the success rate of ACL reconstruction surgery is more than 80%. However, 20% of people needed some further treatment for complete recovery.

Replace damaged parts with healthy ones: ACL surgery reconstruction replaces the damaged tendon with a healthy one.

Get back to everyday life: Unlike other surgeries, it allows you to get back to your normal life ASAP. You can also continue playing your favorite sports or performing other activities.

Less recovery time: According to professionals, the average ACL reconstruction surgery recovery time varies from 6 weeks to 12 weeks. But you can perform your general activity like walking in less than one or two weeks.

Note: The recovery time of ACL surgery depends on several factors, such as the condition, age, gender, and medical history of the patients.

Prevent further injury: This surgery can help you avoid further damage to the knee joints, such as knee locking.

Thus, these are the advantages of ACL reconstruction surgery that you should know.

Recovery Tips

Now, you know almost everything about ACL surgery, from the introduction to its advantages.

Assuming you’ve decided to go for the surgery, here are some tips that’ll make it easy for you to recover from ACL surgery.

Note: The starting weeks after the surgery is the most important ones for better long-term results. That signifies that you may reduce the recovery time if you care properly.

Keeping that in mind, here are the tips for recovering from ACL reconstruction surgery faster and easier:

Pain management after ACL surgery: You should ask your doctor for some effective painkillers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc.

Stability: In the starting days, you can wear a brace or use crutches for a few days or weeks to make the knee stable and relaxed.

Take physical therapy: Consult a professional and start taking physical therapy sessions. It’ll help the knee regain its strength.

Get proper nutrition: Increase your protein, calcium, and vitamin intake. You can follow a diet plan containing tons of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and more. You can also consult a dietician.

Bend your knee: Sometimes, taking prolonged rest can also damage your knees, such as stiffness. So, consult a professional physiotherapist and ask him/her to bend the knee gently.

Don’t put extra pressure: We know you want to get back to your normal life ASAP, but it’s recommended to take it slow. Putting additional stress can lead to further injury.

Thus, these are tips you can follow to make your recovery faster and easier from ACL surgery reconstruction.

Hence, this is all inside ACL Reconstruction Surgery and recovery that you should know before considering.


ACL reconstruction surgery is one of the most successful minimally invasive surgery (MIS) worldwide.

This surgery is recommended for those who eagerly want to get back to their normal life.

For instance, many young athletes considered this surgery, and now they’re enjoying their life playing their favorite sports.

So, if you’re suffering from severe and chronic knee pain and notice the symptoms (mentioned above), you must consult the Ligament Doctor in Patna for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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