When it comes to foods for strong bones, we’ve got the answers. Here are some of the favourite ways to get bones on the right track, i.e., by eating your favourite foods.
The diet people follow on a regular basis plays a crucial role in building and maintaining healthy bones throughout life.
To make sure you’re getting the best nutrition for your bones, it’s important to eat a variety of foods.
For instance, you should try to eat foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D, as these help your body to build and maintain strong bones.
However, there are some more nutrients that contribute to building healthy and strong bones.
Moreover, the best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna has suggested some foods for strong bones that can help you get all the required nutrients.
So, without waiting any further, let’s have a look at the top 3 bone-building foods!
3 Foods for Strong Bones and Joints
Natural foods for healthy bones fulfill all the required nutrients to make bones strong and healthy.
Below are some of the food for strong bones and joints that you must try!
#1. Dairy Products
As we all know, most bones are made up of calcium. That’s why doctors suggest taking dairy products, as they are the best source of calcium.
Furthermore, dairy products also provide enough amount of protein that helps your body perform better in daily tasks. But we’re talking about strong bones, so let’s stick to it.
Studies state that to build and maintain strong bones and healthy joints, people need to eat foods that are rich in calcium.
And dairy products account for over 50%-60% of the daily calcium intake, making them the best source of calcium.
Some dairy products that you must consume in your regular diet are yogurt, milk, and cheese. However, it’s better to take advice from a professional dietician for a proper dose.
Long answer short, eat more dairy products! They’re high in calcium and also low in fat and sodium, which makes them great foods for strong bones and also act as weight loss diets.
#2. Fatty Fish
Many people have concern that fatty fish contains unhealthy trans fats that may harm their health as they increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.
But it isn’t completely true. Not all fats harm your health; some of them are there to help your body and bones.
There are some fatty fish that can help you to build and maintain entire body health, especially a healthy heart and bones.
Some of the fatty fish that are good foods for strong bones are salmon, tuna, and rainbow trout. They provide Vitamin D, which is a necessary nutrient for healthy bones and joints.
Vitamin D is crucial for healthy bones as it helps them absorb most of the calcium you take through other food items.
Furthermore, these fishes are also loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, which also play a crucial role in your bone health.
Note: If you don’t like to eat fish, don’t worry! You can avoid it. There are several other foods for strong bones and joints that you can take.
You should also read: Exercises for Building Bone Density.
#3. Fortified Food
There are some people whose bodies can’t tolerate dairy products or fatty fish. They can adopt fortified foods for strong bones and joints in that condition.
In other words, fortified foods can fill the gap of necessary nutrients that your body requires for healthy bones by taking dairy products or fatty fish.
It also helps your body to avoid sugar and salt, which contains several things that are not good for bone health.
For instance, you can take fortified orange juice instead of regular orange juice whenever possible to get all the nutrients.
Moreover, these foods provide enough nutrients without consuming extra sugar or calories from sweeteners like honey or agave nectar which can increase the risk of diabetes complications over time if consumed regularly in high amounts.
Some more fortified foods for strong bones and joints are bread, fortified soya, rice, oat drinks, and more. These are also examples of vegan foods for healthy bones.
Thus, these are the top foods for strong bones and joints that you must add to your regular diet to build and maintain bone health throughout life.
Moreover, you must also know the foods to avoid for healthy bones to add extra health benefits to the bones.
Foods to Avoid for Healthy Bones
In the above sections, we’ve seen several foods for strong bones and joints that people must include in their diet.
Now, have a look at the foods that can harm the health of your bones and may cause osteoporosis in the long run. Doctors strongly suggest these foods to avoid osteoporosis. Here are some of them:
- High-Sodium foods, such as salt, can cause excessive calcium excretion and makes bones weak.
- Alcohol can reduce bone density and formation and increase the risk of fracture and other bone-related diseases.
- Caffeine-containing drinks, such as Coffee/Tea, can reduce calcium absorption or leach calcium from bones and weaken them with time. Later it may cause osteoporosis.
- Soft Drinks, such as Cola, can cause a reduction in bone mineral density that increases the risk of easy bone fracture.
Thus, these are some foods to avoid for healthy bones. One thing that is common in all of them is they can reduce bone density and increase the risk of osteoarthritis.
In that condition, you must know some ways to increase bone density. Follow the link and try them. Just remember not to push your limits.
Moreover, if you need to consult a professional to get some diagnosis and healthy bone tips, you must contact the best Joint Replacement Doctor in Patna.
Building and maintaining healthy bones is something that one must do. There are several ways to do so, such as exercise, supplements, therapy, and more.
However, if you are too busy in your life to perform those activities, even then, you can build and maintain healthy bones just by making minor changes in your diet.
That said, in the above sections, we’ve discussed the top 3 foods for healthy bones and joints that you must eat.
Besides we’ve also discussed some foods to avoid for healthy bones, advised by doctors and professionals.
Hope you get a better understanding of how to build and keep bones strong with foods. If you’ve any queries, you can ask in the comments.