Let’s be honest we are all guilty of running off our posture and now we just keep asking Google how to maintain good posture.
Numerous ways and advice are available on the internet but nothing seems to work. This is because this advice is not coming from professional healthcare who specialize in treating conditions related to bones and muscles.
But today is your lucky day as you have landed on the page where all the information that you will read will be from the experienced orthopedic doctor of Patna – Dr Ramakant Kumar.
This blog will give you tried and tested tips that can help in maintaining a good posture.
How to Maintain Good Posture?
Everyone knows, what is the importance of good posture. It not only affects your physical health but also affects your overall personality.
So here are some of the tips to improve posture according to the best ortho doctor in Patna:
#1. Improve Your Lazy Body Language
There are people in the world who just don’t feel like doing anything. It seems they are just existing on this planet Earth.
Don’t be that guy, your slouchy nature shows in your posture. This will not only affect your spine and back health. But health experts also suggest that continuous lousing can hurt your internal organs too.
Yes, you read it right your lazy standing or sitting position can affect your internal organs which can lead to serious health issues.
With time it will affect the functionality of your lungs and even the digestion process.
#2. Stand Tall
It is one of the most common pieces of advice that you must have been hearing for ages. But still, you haven’t taken it seriously.
People nowadays stand like they are carrying around 5 to 10 kg of weight on their backs. But for a better posture, you should be standing tall like you are against the wall.
correct standing posture will not only provide you with a good posture but also help make you look thinner and more confident. It is one of the greatest ways to improve posture-related problems.
#3. Be aware of a Mobile Friendly Neck
Let’s be honest each one of us are obsessed with our mobile phones. Every other person is nowadays busy watching Instagram reels or YouTube videos.
This habit of using smartphones all the time is affecting our health. Bad neck health plays and huge role in overall body posture.
It also hurts the back muscles and spine health. This is why the best back pain problem doctor in Patna suggests their clients do neck stretching 2 or 3 times a day.
#4. Avoid Heels
If you are wondering how to improve posture for women? Then be ready because you may not like the answer.
According to health experts, the best way to improve a woman’s posture is to avoid wearing heels. Yes, you read it right hells may be a good choice for style but not the posture.
They reach your back and also limit ankle joint movements. The arched back will affect your spine lining position and the reduced ankle joint movement will lead to an injury.
#5. Sleep Properly
Dr Ramakant Kumar – the best orthopedic doctor in Patna believes that the way we sleep also affects our posture.
Nowadays most people love to sleep on soft cushions and saggy mattresses, without knowing their side effects. They affect your spine’s natural shape and position, which leads to bad posture.
Furthermore, if you love to sleep on your back then don’t use a thick pillow. Use a firm one that helps your head to level with your spine. Additionally, if you are a side sleeper then try to not bend your knee.
#6. Strengthen Your Core
If you want to know how to maintain good posture, with the help of gyming or exercising then strengthening your core muscles will be the best option.
Core muscles are the bridge between your upper and lower body. This bridge plays and huge role in maintaining your overall bodily posture.
Additionally, if you are overweight then it’s a must for you to focus on the core because extra fat puts stress on the back muscles and spine.
So, make a workout plan that focuses on your core more than any muscles in the body.
Apart from these, it’s also important to know how to fix bad posture when sitting especially, when you are at work. Additionally, talk to your doctor or add Some exercises that can help improve posture in your day-to-day life.
Exercises to Improve Posture
Having a good posture vs bad posture comes down to only two things, which are how disciplined you are in your day-to-day life and what type of exercise you are doing.
The internet is filled with posture-improving exercises and here are a few of the best ones according to the best back pain doctor in Patna.
Child Pose – It is an easy exercise that anyone can do with the ease of their home. This exercise is the best way to relieve tension in your lower back and neck area.
Cat-Cow Pose – This pose is also ideal for removing tension from the back and neck. It works on the torso and shoulder too, by increasing blood circulation.
Chest Opener – This standing exercise is good for those people who spend their days sitting in front of the computer. This will help bring your inward chest in the right position that is ideal for the spine.
Side Plank – Regular gym goers must be aware of this exercise. People do side planks to strengthen their core, which is good for improving posture. This variation of the standard plank also works on the glutes that support your back.
So, these were 4 good posture exercises that proved to be helpful. The best part about them is that all can be performed easily with the ease of your home.
However, if you feel that posture is so poor it can’t be fixed at home, then it is high time you contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar.
This highly committed and experienced ortho doctor will diagnose your condition thoroughly and will give you personalized treatment.
We can say that poor posture health is a rising concern all around the world. The modern work environment and obsession with a smartphone are two main causes of this increasing health issue.
This is why in this blog we have provided you with 6 tips that going to help you improve your posture. Furthermore, we have also provided you with some posture improvements that you can take help from.
If those exercises and tips don’t seem to help then maybe your problems need proper medical attention. Contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar via phone number and official website to get world-class posture Improvement treatment.
We hope after reading this blog you get to know how to maintain good posture if you like it, share this blog some one who thinks have a bad posture.