Knee pain in old age is a very common complaint faced by many people. So, looking for how to manage knee pain in old age is not something new.
Therefore, in this blog, we will share the 5 best remedies for knee pain in old age advised by the Top Orthopedic Surgeons in Patna.
But before that, you must know age is not just one factor that can cause knee pain.
There are many other causes of knee pain, such as previous injury, infections, or arthritis.
So, if you suffer from knee pain due to any of these causes, you can follow the same remedies for knee pain in old age.
Therefore, let’s get started with it.
Remedies for Managing Knee Pain in Old Age
Most people are looking for the best remedies for knee pain in old age, which is very common at this age.
Moreover, short-term or mild knee pain can be easily recovered from some remedies and at home.
However, severe cases require some medical treatment for knee pain, so you can contact the best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna.
So, the remedies for knee pain in old age that we mention below is primarily focused on mild cases but not a severe one.
Note- You can follow these remedies for knee pain if your doctor suggests, especially in severe cases.
Now, let’s start with the remedies for knee pain in old age.
#1. RICE Formula
The acronym RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
It is the natural remedy for knee pain that people can do in their homes and even alone without help.
The RICE formula may help in treating mild knee pain that may be a result of soft tissue injury.
Therefore, let’s see the primary role of each:
Rest– It can provide the affected tissues with proper time to heal. It also reduces the risk of further injury.
However, stopping all movements for a long is not advisable. It may cause stiffness and may lead to muscle weakness.
Ice– It can decrease swelling and inflammation if applied at least twenty minutes several times on the day of injury. However, never put ice directly on your skin.
Always use a sone ice pack or towel.
Compression– It can help support your knees and increase your comfort levels. Always remember to make your support or bandage firm but not tight.
Elevation– Keep your leg above your heart level, if possible. It can increase the blood flow and help to reduce swelling.
#2. Weight Loss & Balanced Diet
People suffering from overweight or obesity have a higher chance of suffering from knee pain.
We know our knee carries the most weight in our body. So, carrying extra weight can give our knee extra load.
Therefore, losing weight can reduce knee pain or the chance of causing knee pain.
A balanced diet can help you cut down on extra weight and also provide enough protein to do daily tasks.
It is high in fruit, vegetables, and fiber and low in meat, animal fat, and other fats.
Moreover, it is recommended by doctors to maintain proper weight and diet.
#3. Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening exercises manage knee pain in old age and even help to protect the knee joint.
Upon strengthening the upper leg and quadriceps muscles is beneficial for knee pain.
These muscles are located at the sides and front of the thighs.
So, let’s see some basic Strengthening remedies for knee pain in old age:
- While lying or sitting, try to straighten and raise the leg.
- Stepping up and down your legs for a few minutes.
- Sit on a chair, sofa, or bed and stand. Do it a few times regularly.
Note– All these exercises are recommended for mild pain, and if you suffer from severe pain, you should consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar, the top orthopedic surgeon in Patna.
#4. Massage
Massage can relieve you, even if you do it yourself.
The best orthopedic doctor recommends the following massage techniques:
- You should do this in a sitting position, knee pointing forward and feet flat on the floor.
- Tap your upper, middle, and lower thigh ten times with loosely closing fists (Repeat it three times).
- Press your knees tissue with four fingers and move up and down firmly (Repeat everywhere on the knees).
- Glide your palm from top to bottom and vice versa on the thigh with your palm firmly (Do it for a few minutes).
Since you are suffering from knee pain, massaging the thigh muscle is beneficial.
It can help to improve the circulation of blood which can lead to fast healing.
#5. Medications
Many doctors suggest taking some prescribed.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if the pain is unbearable.
In addition, some other medicines are also effective in reducing knee pain that can be taken without a prescription.
So, some medicines that can help to reduce knee pain are:
- Oral or topical NSAIDs.
- Topical capsaicin.
However, in some serious cases of knee pain, doctors also suggest steroid injections into the knee joint.
Experts do not recommend using opioids but tramadol.
You can get these NSAIDs or other medicines over-the-counter (OTC) or purchase them online.
Hence, you can take advantage of these 5 top remedies for knee pain in old age. With that, let’s now end this blog.
Knee pain is very common in old age and stops you from doing many daily tasks.
In addition, it is also painful and can cause discomfort in lifestyle.
Therefore, it is greatly suggested by the Orthopedic Surgeons in Patna not to ignore it and treat it as soon as possible.
You can use the remedies for knee pain in old age that we have mentioned above for mild and short-term pain.
On the other hand, severe knee pain cases should be treated by professionals/doctors.
We hope you find this blog informative and interesting. And if you have any queries, do share in the comments.