How to Treat a Painful Ligament Surgery: Know from Dr. Ramakant Kumar

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Looking for an answer to the question: Is Ligament Surgery Painful?? Welcome to this blog… as it is solely dedicated to the answer to this particular question. Moreover, you will get to know other things associated with this topic…

A tendon/ligament is an intense band of sinewy tissue that associates the connection of the bone to bone or bone to cartilage muscle. While ligaments are amazingly solid, they can be extended or even torn, bringing about various evaluations of injuries.

This happens due to exertion of some outrageous power to a joint, for example, with a fall or another high-sway occasion. This ligament tear generally happens to the lower leg, knee, wrist, neck, thumb, or back tendons.

Therefore, in extreme scenarios, one can undergo different types of surgeries as per the condition of the ligament tear. But, the real question is that Is ligament surgery painful?

Therefore, to know about the type of surgery, one must definitely read this blog for more information on the same.

Diagnosis of Ligament Tear

The diagnosis of a tendon tear starts with an actual assessment and clinical history. Your medical service provider will ask what you were doing when you encountered the injury and look at the site. Touching the injury site will help in a better evaluation of the extent of the injury.

Sometimes, the health service provider will tell you to undergo an X-ray or MRI scan for a better view of the internal injury, if caused.

However, there are grades of sprains or torn ligament conditions according to which the treatment for the injury is given. Among one such treatment is ACL treatment.

Treatment: Is ligament surgery painful?

As per knee complex structure, it has two types of ligaments to support the joint connection, i.e. PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) and ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). Here, ACL injuries are the most common ones.

These injuries could be due to sudden movement of the joints which can cause the ligaments to tear. Therefore, one can go for an ACL surgery. It includes reconstruction or replacement of the knee ligament. However, these surgeries do come with many complications.

One of the most common ones is pain after ACL surgery 1 year. The ACL surgery pain level fluctuates in many of the patients due to one or the other reasons. Therefore, let’s hear out what are the complications as well as is ligament surgery painful.

One can also visit a specialist for clearing all the confusion. To recommend, one can visit Dr. Ramakant Kumar, a reliable and trusted Orthopedic Doctor in Patna.

What Not To Do After ACL Surgery: Complications

Likewise, with all medical procedures, ACL medical procedure includes dangers and possible difficulties. Confusions may get genuine and dangerous now and again. However, the inconvenience may happen during a medical procedure.

Some of the general complications one can face are-

  • Blood clotting
  • Internal infections
  • Knee instability
  • Weakness or numbness in leg or foot
  • Knee cap pain for several days

However, there are many people who complain about extreme pain after ACL surgery or burning shin pain after ACL surgery. These are some of the conditions included in the complications just after the surgery or after a few months or years.

After ACL Surgery when can I Walk?

After ACL medical procedure, you are urged to walk slowly but you should start walking immediately. If not with balance, but start using props for support in starting and give pressure as much you can handle.

There are people complaining those 3 months after ACL surgery pain starts to increase. This is because of no movement to the operated area. It starts to adapt to it. But, in reality, it should be moved constantly.

Therefore, to answer is ligament surgery painful? Yes, it can be painful in starting, but, with proper care and precautions, one can overcome the ACL surgery pain timeline.

Dr. Ramakant Kumar: Best Ligament and Orthopedic Doctor in Patna

Therefore, if you are willing to undergo ligament surgery, you can definitely take guidance from Dr. Ramakant Kumar, who is a renowned ligament specialist in the city of Patna, Bihar.

Being the best ligament doctor in Patna, Dr. Ramakant is a dedicated prominent specialist of global retribution. He had the advantage of securing the imperative intuition and abilities in orthopedic surgeries from lofty AIIMS, New Delhi. Since, the time, he has made quick walks in the field of Orthopedics with an essential and primary focus on Hip and Knee surgery.

At present, he works as a Consultant Orthopedic specialist in Ruban Memorial Hospital.

Therefore, if you are still not convinced on is ligament surgery painful, then do visit Dr. Ramakant Kumar in Patna and clear up all your doubts.

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