Is Osteoarthritis Hereditary – Genetic Factors To Consider

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Being a fitness fanatic doesn’t guarantees that you won’t fall for arthritis. They can be hereditary as well. But what type of arthritis is hereditary?

There are 100 types of arthritis issues but the most common and hereditary is osteoarthritis and the next is Rheumatoid arthritis. 

Osteoarthritis is a form of bone health issue that causes stiffness, joint problems, and pain in knees, and joints while walking or sitting. This issue can be seen easily in people above 50s and some even in their 40s.

But it’s not always due to a lack of workout or not being a fitness fanatic. This may make you question is osteoarthritis common?

The answer is no unless it’s hereditary. In today’s blog, we are going to explore the same fact trending around on What Causes Osteoarthritis – your lifestyle factors or genetic factors?

Osteoarthritis is Genetic Or Not – Know the Factors

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that gets worst over time. People suffering from osteoarthritis may feel pain and swelling in their joints.

The health experts state that under research it was found that 40 to 70% of osteoarthritis patients have a stronger genetic link for their spinal, hand, and hip issues.

Adding on this happens due to the mutation of genes responsible for forming and maintaining the bone and cartilage. Further such symptoms of arthritis start arising from a younger age and gets on expanding.

Additionally, there are multiple genes that arises the chances of occurring Osteoarthritis. Thus along with your poor lifestyle factors, obesity, and joint anatomy, more chances of developing this joint issue exist.

Further to know more in detail about how is degenerative arthritis hereditary you can go for an appointment with the Best Orthopaedic Doctor in Patna.

Let us know about the genes and How Is Osteoarthritis Hereditary in Humans.

Genetic Factors For Hereditary Osteoarthritis

Though there are several groups of genes that may increase the risk of osteoarthritis and here are four major responsible factors.

  • Cartilage extracellular matrix structural genes: Durability of cartilage can reduce due to the variation in these genes causing stress in hips and joints.


  • Chondrocyte cell signaling genes: This genetic factor increases the chances of the development of osteoarthritis more in females as compared to men.


  • Bone density genes: Changes in estrogen and vitamin D receptors can increase the chances of osteoarthritis. In fact, the variation in vitamin D genes can have more prone chances of osteoarthritis in the hands & knees.


  • Inflammatory cytokine genes: Changes in IL-1R1 genetic factors can have more risk of causing hand osteoarthritis.


Though at present we know that genetics do influence the development of osteoarthritis still it remains undiscovered from which stage they start affecting bone health.

Other than that people suffering from some inherited conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) also are at higher risk of developing osteoarthritis.

This happens due to the presence of low levels of collagen in their body preventing the mobility of muscles and joints.

It can further lead to unstable and hypermobile joints overall contributing to osteoarthritis.

Therefore more evident research is required to understand the interrelation between both genetic factors and osteoarthritis.

What Are the Chances Of Having Hereditary Osteoarthritis?

It’s not critically acclaimed 100% that’s why if you have family members with osteoarthritis don’t worry.

It definitely does not mean that you are at a higher risk. Here’s the expert’s estimate of the chances of hereditary osteoarthritis.

  • 40% for the knee
  • 60% for the hip
  • 70% for the spine

At present no direct link between osteoarthritis and life expectancy is found.

However, osteoarthritis in the knee and pain can have negative effects either due to pain, lack of mobility, or due to other health conditions.

You may feel like is osteoarthritis disability for those who have got this from genes – but no there are various treatments for arthritis that can help with mobility and lesser pain.

Treatments for Osteoarthritis

Apart from following a healthy diet for osteoarthritis, workout if still you are looking for the best ways to cure Oestoarthritis here are two ways –

#1. Medication

Here we have suggested a medication that can cure temporary arthritis pain.

However, it is completely advised to visit Best Doctor in Patna for Orthopedic before going for such medications to avoid any further allergies.

  • Acetaminophen (or Tylenol) – best for curing moderate to mild pain of osteoarthritis. However, you need to follow the exact recommended dosage to avoid the side effects like liver damage and so on.


  • Duloxetine (Cymbalta) – Mostly used as an antidepressant is also recommended for treating chronic pain caused due to osteoarthritis.


  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – Other than that there are over-the-counter pills like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve), that can get you rid of this osteoarthritis pain for some time.

However, you strictly need to follow the recommended dosage to avoid any adverse effects.

Further, you can also go for higher dosages of NSAIDs but you need to have a prescription for them.

In fact, NSAIDs are also available in gel form and have lesser chances of any side effects so you can choose as per your need.

Must remember that exceeding NSAIDs pills dosage may arise health issues such as cardiovascular problems, stomach upset, bleeding problems liver & kidney damage, and so on.

#2. Physical Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Sometimes going for physical therapy for osteoarthritis can also help individuals in relieving the pains. A therapist can assist you in performing exercises that can provide strength to your muscles.

Physical stretching and exercises can improve your posture and enhance flexibility in your joints and lower pain.

Most common exercises such as walking and swimming can also give positive results.

  • Occupational therapy – Under this form of therapy a therapist guides you in ways to perform daily activities without giving extra stress on painful joints.
For example, if you have knee osteoarthritis you can opt for a bench shower instead of a standing one. Further, if you have hand osteoarthritis using a toothbrush with a bigger grip will be much easier than the smaller ones.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) – Here the body is given low voltage current to lower the pain. It can be a short-term relief for people with knee and hip osteoarthritis.

All these treatments for osteoarthritis do work but they are not for longer periods or permanent solutions.

Will Osteoarthritis Go Away By Itself Without Treatments?

Well, it can surely get worse with time if not acted upon time and also a degenerative disease as it has no cure.

Whether you have got it either due to poor lifestyle or genetics getting your treatments on time must be a priority.

Otherwise, they can cause chronic pain, stiffness, and difficulty while performing daily activities.  Studies also suggest that osteoarthritis pain can lead to even depression and sleep disturbance.

Therefore it’s best to get the treatment on time and that’s why if you are looking for Best Orthopedic Doctor In Patna Near Me contact Dr Ramakant Gupta.

He is the best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Patna when it comes to practicing surgical procedures related to bones and joints.

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