Is Surgery Necessary for ACL Tear – Know The Recovery Timeline

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Knee injuries are prevalent, especially for those who love to live an active lifestyle or play sports. There are several types of knee injuries and ACL tears are one of them.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is very important because it allows us to perform normal movement and supports the mechanism of the knee.

It keeps your knee in place when you rotate your legs from side to side while jumping. The ACL tear injury occurs because of the repetitive moment which leads to wear and tear.

When this ACL tear happens the patient may feel intense pain and hear a “pop” sound from the knee.

If you have experienced this recently then worry not as there are surgical processes in medical science that can help you to fix it.

But, is surgery necessary for an ACL tear, and can a torn ACL heal without surgery? If you are also struggling with these questions then read this blog carefully. 


Is Surgery Necessary for ACL Tear?

No, surgery is not always Necessary for ACL tear. So, what happens if you tear your ACL and don’t get surgery? Well, the answer to this question will depend on various factors.

One of the most crucial factors is the type of ACL tear a patient suffers from.

If a patient has a partial ACL tear then most of the time, he or she will get treated in nonsurgical ways. The Partial ACL tear recovery time without surgery may be approx 3 months with proper rehabilitation.

Whereas patients with complete ACL tears have a higher chance of going through the surgery. To know which one of those injuries you have, try to learn complete and Partial ACL tear symptoms.

We can see that both ACL tears can be fixed by surgery, but the needs for each may differ. So, how does a surgeon decide when to opt for the surgery? We have discussed that it depends on several factors.


When Surgery Is Considered for ACL Tear?

Is it okay to live with a torn ACL? Well, according to health experts, it can be possible to leave with a torn ACL if there is a Grade 1 Sprains. Now you may be thinking, does a grade 2 ACL tear require surgery?

Yes it may demand surgery but the decision will depend on the surgeon after he or she finishes considering some different factors:

#1. Physical Exam

To know whether your ACL tear needs surgery or not a surgeon should do a physical exam. The Lachman test is one such physical test that helps assess the extent of the injury.

This process places stress on the ACL and figures out whether the injury is severe or mild. A pivot shift test is also another subjective and effective test of the knee that helps the surgeon in making decisions.

Sometimes checking the patient’s medical history is also considered an effective test. These tests are necessary because according to some orthopedic experts, complete ACL tear treatment without surgery is not possible. 


#2. Knee Instability

Is it better to get an ACL surgery or not? Well, it will depend on several factors, and knee stability is one of them.

This is why the surgeon checks the patient’s knee stability before deciding on the surgery. It helps to get an idea of how much damage the injury has caused to the ACL.

If it’s of grade 1 or 2 then a non-surgical method may be used to fix it. But, grade 3 ACL tear no surgery isn’t a good idea. 

You can also read about >>>> Recovery Signs of Knee Tear


#3. Age

Health experts consider age as a deciding factor when choosing the surgical option because it impacts recovery and long-term outcomes.

Younger patients have less recovery time in comparison to older patients. They also are less prone to complications after the surgery.

This is why for older patients doctors recommend nonsurgical treatments like physical therapy. Interestingly the success rate of ACL tear surgery in older patients is the same as in younger ones.

Still, if you are in your 50s and love to live an active life then try to figure out, how can strengthen your ACL without surgery.


#4. Pain Level 

Can I wait 3 months for ACL surgery? The answer will depend on the pain level of your ACL tear. If you are feeling no main or mild pain then you may wait for 3 months.

This is because severe pain indicates that your ACL tear is severe which can only be fixed by surgery.

Surgeons assess the pain of the patients because it helps to tailor the surgical approach and pain management strategies post-surgery.

Patients with lower pain levels can opt for nonsurgical treatments like medicine and physical therapy. 


#5. Other Knee Injuries

A surgeon looks for other injuries along with ACL tears before deciding whether to go for surgery or not. This process is crucial because your ACL issue may not be needing surgery but other issues like broken bones may need it.

So, if there is one or more problems apart from the ACL tear that demands surgery then Surgeon chooses to fix the ACL with surgery too. This approach ensures a comprehensive treatment, which is beneficial for the patients. 


#6. Athleticism

If you are a professional athlete who needs to go back on the field quickly then nonsurgical methods will not be suited for you.

This is because the torn ACL recovery time without surgery will take months. That’s why surgeons advise athletes to go for the surgical option as it provides the best chance of being able to return to competitive sports activities.

Additionally, it provides the patients with better knee stability which is crucial for the athletes. 

So, these were some factors that helped the surgeon decide whether is surgery necessary for an ACL tear or not. Remember that ACL surgery also comes with some complications.

So, be smart when choosing an ortho surgeon for your surgery. 


Is it Better to Get An ACL Surgery or Not?

While figuring out whether it is surgery necessary for ACL tear or not we conclude that it is not necessary in every case. This is why doctors consider some factors before deciding on the surgery.

If your ACL tear is demanding surgery then don’t be in a hurry while choosing a surgeon for your surgery.

Contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar if you wish to have complications-free procedure. This committed orthopedic surgeon in Patna is famous for providing safe and effective knee surgeries.

With his years of experience and expertise, he has helped several residents of Patna get rid of their orthopedic issues.

Additionally, the ACL surgery cost at his clinic is so reasonable that every individual can afford it. So, wait no more and contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar if you wish to have successful ACL surgery. 

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