Torn Meniscus is a kind of damage in the cartilage that allows the femur to guide when the knee moves, moreover, there are lots of meniscus tear signs and symptoms.
Meniscus pain gets worse if not get treated & people try to do activities like walking, running, & other activities that requires energy.
However, the activities put pressure on the knee while rotating the knee joint.
Note: If you are feeling stern pain in your knee & not getting the treatment…then it will cause a lot of trouble to you in the future.
Thus, we would recommend you to get an appointment with Dr. Ramakant Kumar who provides the best Meniscus tear treatment in Patna.
Just have an appointment & check whether you need the treatment or not.
Moreover, you must go for treatment if it’s your initial stage..so that you can get away with the issue fast.
Meniscus Tear Signs and Symptoms
When a meniscus tear occurs, you may feel like a popping sound around your knee joint.
Moreover, you might experience things like:
- Swelling or Stiffness
- Instability in the knee
- Knee locking or catching
- The knee is not able to support
- Difficulty in straightening the knee
Torn Meniscus Symptoms Test
Talking about the Meniscus Tear Signs and Symptoms, you must know about the available treatment that will help you in getting your knee stable.
The diagnosis can be done through…..
Sometimes, X-Rays can be helpful of problem that causes pain in the knee along with diagnosing the torn meniscus.
Sometimes, it’s one of the best ways to detect Torn Meniscus, & also provide detailed images of both hard & soft tissues of the knee.
The other way can be the use of an Arthroscope by your doctor to examine the inside of the knee.
Moreover, sometimes the surgical instruments are inserted through small incisions to repair the tear of the knee.
Note: Dr. Ramakant Kumar, being the Top Ligament Doctor in Patna, provides the best treatment for Torn Meniscus..& so you must contact him once if suffering from Torn Meniscus.
How to Heal a Torn Meniscus Naturally?
Initially, the treatment depends upon the size & location of the tear.
Moreover, the treatment will help in improving the problem of Meniscus tear with time.
To speed up the recovery of treatment, you have to follow these tips:
Rest the Knee
Limit some activities like walking, running; use crutches for some time to relieve the pain.
Put Ice on the Knee
To reduce the pain/swelling, put ice on your knee, for 15 to 20 minutes every 3-4 hours, once the pain is gone.
Compress Your Knee
Put an elastic bandage on your knee to control the swelling of the knee.
How to Treat Knee Meniscus Tear with Arthritis
In some cases, some treatments can help in relieving arthritis, like stretching & physical therapy.
However, if these not helped, then you might have to go for Knee Arthroscopy or Total Knee Replacement.
Meniscus Tear Recovery Time
Surgery can take up 3-6 months to recover, however, you might have to go for regular physical therapy sessions, which will help in recovering faster.
Moreover, the therapy sessions will also help in rebuilding the strength & flexibility in the joint.
Meniscus Tear Exercises
Here are the lists of exercises that will absolutely help you in healing the meniscus tear.
- Quad sets
- Straight-leg raises to the front
- Straight-leg raises to the back
- Hamstring curls
- Heel raises
- Heel dig bridging
- Shallow standing knee bends
Moreover, we also got a common question from the patients like will walking on a torn meniscus make it worse?
Though, after the recovery…you are not allowed to walk for few days…even if you have the necessity to walk, then you should must use crutches.
Though these were the Meniscus tear signs and symptoms, treatment options are available as well.
Dr. Ramakant Kumar – The Best-Rated Ligament Doctor in Patna
Dr. Ramakant Kumar is the finest orthopedic doctor in Patna providing treatments for knee pain as well as other physical pain.
Moreover, he received his training in orthopedic surgery from AIIMS, New Delhi.
Apart from that, he has gained significant achievements in the field of orthopedic surgery with time.
Though, we have given all the information regarding “meniscus tear signs and symptoms”
Now, we sum up the blog here, hope you liked the article.
Nonetheless, if you have any further queries…just ask us in the comment section below.