If you love playing high-impact sports, you may be aware of joint injuries. Our joints get injured easily because of their complexity.
Among all the joints, the knee is the most common one when it comes to injury. This happens because they bear almost 80% of their body weight and perform repetitive movements. There are many types of injury and a torn meniscus is one of them that affects people.
Knee doctors in Patna also call them knee tears which occur due to forceful twists and rotation. Dr. Ramakant Kumar treats several people with knee tears daily.
He is considered the best knee doctor in Patna who is famous for his orthopedic skills. This committed ortho surgeon also helps his patients in their recovery process. But, you may be wondering, “How can I tell if my meniscus tear is healing?”.
So, in this blog, we will try to discuss some signs of recovery from a knee tear, which will help you monitor your healing process.
Signs of Recovery from a Knee Tear
Not everyone will have the same experience while going through knee tear recovery.
It depends on individual factors like age, overall health, and the severity of the knee tear. But, any can monitor their recovery if they look for these signs:
#1. Reduced Pain
What is the fastest way to heal a torn knee? Well, there are many ways to fix knee tears but one which helps in reducing pain naturally will be the best.
Reduced Pain is one of the first signs of healing in any kind of injury. In a knee tear initially, you will have significant pain but along with the healing, the pain will also diminish slowly.
The pain occurs due to inflammation and tissue damage which can be fixed. Applying ice is considered one of the best ways to deal with knee tear pain as it will reduce swelling and support recovery.
#2. Improved range of motion
Can you still bend your knee with a tear? Well, for days your knee will be stiff but after that, you may bend your knee.
Bedding your knee will let you examine the range of motion which is another sign of recovery. The knee gets stiff after the tear because of the swelling, strain, and other issues.
But, as your healing progresses these issues will diminish slowly giving back your normal range of motion.
However, remember that if you wish to improve your range of motion in less time then opt for meniscus tear exercises. Physical therapy will also be helpful in recovery.
#3. Decreased swelling
As we have discussed in the previous section swelling is one such issue that comes with knee tear.
Those who wonder, how long a knee tear takes to heal should know that the healing process progresses more quickly as swelling reduces. Swelling is a natural response of the body.
It is the result of increased blood flow to the injured area that leads to fluid accumulation. Swelling goes away on its own but one can also use methods like massaging and ice therapy to reduce it quickly.
It is crucial to know about these methods as according to the top orthopedic doctor in Patna swelling may also preset after meniscus tear surgery.
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#4. Increased strength
Is it bad to walk on a torn knee? Usually, people manage to walk on torn knees but it will be painful and uncomfortable. One of the reasons behind this is weak knee muscles that come along with knee tear.
This is why when a patient starts getting back their knee strength then it’s considered a good sign. So, how to heal a torn meniscus naturally and get back the strength?
Well, physical therapy is the best option for building strength in the muscles. Additionally, a diet that has lots of lean protein options is also very beneficial for strengthening the knee muscles.
#5. Stability improvement
Is walking good for a damaged knee? Well, walking is good for the improvement of knee tears as it will also help you check your stability.
Due to muscle weakness and reduced strength patients tend to lose knee stability after the tear.
This is why improvement in knee stability is looked at as a sign of recovery. The instability will affect the ability to perform crucial activities and will also lead to pain.
The best way to improve stability in the knee is by doing some exercises like Inner thigh stretches, standing hamstring curls, and squats.
Don’t forget to talk to your doctor regarding these exercises before performing them.
#6. Returning to Activities
According to the orthopedic doctor in Patna, returning to your normal activities is also one of the signs of recovery. However, it doesn’t mean that you should jump off your bed and start waking and running.
Walking on a torn meniscus will not make it worse but you should approach it cautiously and gradually. Performing sudden high-impact activity on a torn knee can damage it more than before.
However, if you wish to rerun back to activity quickly then try to reduce the meniscus tear recovery time. To do that you have to follow some methods like massaging, physical therapy, and ice therapy.
Apart from these functional improvement is also one of the signs of recovery from a knee tear.
Additionally, patients should always be in touch with the best orthopedic doctor in Patna during the recovery period as he or she will monitor their recovery more thoroughly.
Did you get positive results in the torn meniscus symptoms test? Well, worry not as there are ways to deal with this issue.
However, to know whether your knee tear is healing or not you should be aware of the signs of recovery from a knee tear.
In this blog, we have provided the 6 signs of progression that will help monitor your recovery.
If you wish to speed up the medial meniscus tear recovery time then you must contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar. He is the best orthopedic doctor in Patna for issues like knee tears.
This ortho surgeon is famous in the city for helping patients recover quickly after an injury. Regional folks love to visit him because of his friendly nature and world-class expertise.
So don’t waste your time searching “bone hospital near me” to get in touch with a good ortho doctor and contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar.