Sports After Knee Replacement Surgery – Is It Possible?

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There is no greater fleeing than playing your favorite sports on weekends or in your spare time. But it is also true that sports are full of injuries especially those that affect joints.

The knee is one such joint in the body that is mostly prone to injuries. The main reason behind this is that it bears 80% of our body weight. Additionally, it is also one of the most used joints in nearly every outdoor sport.

This is why you have heard about NBA players with knee replacements. Knee replacement is one such procedure that health experts use to treat issues related to knee joints.

According to Dr. Ramakant Kumar – the top knee specialist doctor in Patna, in this procedure, the surgeon replaces the damaged joint with a fake one.

It is a major surgery that takes a toll on a patient’s physical health. That’s why doctors suggest their patients avoid certain activities after the procedure. But can one play sports after knee replacement surgery?


Can You Play Sports After Knee Replacement Surgery?

Can a person play sports after knee replacement? Almost every patient who goes through knee replacement asks this question.

Well, Theirs no straight answer to this as it depends on various factors. A patient’s general health is one of the biggest factors that decide whether he or she will be able to play sports after surgery or not.

For example, fit young athletes with knee replacements will be able to resume their sport after a successful recovery. But on the other hand, older athletes over the age of 40 may not. 

Additionally, it also depends on which kind of sport a patient wants to play after the surgery. Most people think that having a metallic knee will be more beneficial for playing than the original one.

However Joint Replacement doctor in Patna suggests that it’s not a good idea because they don’t have the same sensation and feeling as the native knee. They will not give the same feedback as the original one which is crucial for intense sports.

So, if you were wondering “Can I play cricket after knee replacement?” then the answer is no, because high-impact sports after knee replacement are prohibited.

But there are some sports and physical activities that you can perform after the surgery. 


Best Sports and Exercise after Knee Replacement Surgery 

Now you know that some activities are prohibited after knee replacement which will talk about later in the blog. However, we also know that knee replacement patients can perform some activities after the surgery: 

Cycling –  It is one such activity that even famous athletes with knee replacements perform after their surgery.

However, the top knee replacement surgeon in Patna suggests that patients should start slowly and gradually.

Riding stationary bikes indoors will be beneficial. After 12 weeks of indoor cycling, you will be able to cycle on the road. 

Swimming – Like climbing stairs is good for knee replacement swimming is also beneficial for it. This is because it makes you float by holding your weight which reduces pressure on the joints.

It is one of the best activities to enjoy after knee replacement surgery. However, don’t be in a hurry, and let wounds heal before you enter the pool. 

Hiking – Can you live a normal life after knee replacement? Yes, you can live a normal life and also enjoy it by doing exciting things like hiking.

A doctor for knee problems in Patna claims that this activity is super beneficial for the recovery process. It is the best lower-impact activity for knee replacement patients. 

Calisthenics – You can run and jump after knee replacement. But it will take at least 6 months or a year until your knee is ready for that.

Till then you can rely on calisthenics to keep your health in check. This sport has recently become famous among youths which is an aerobic style exercise. 

Golf – You may not be able to play volleyball after knee replacement but you can surely enjoy golf. However, when you place a swing in the golf it puts pressure on the knee, which can affect knee implants.

So, know your limit and play it in moderation. 

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Low-Resistance Weightlifting – Do you know what are the permanent restrictions after knee replacement? Well, heavy and intense weight lifting is completely prohibited as it puts immense pressure on the knee joints.

That’s why gym lovers should stick to low-resistance weightlifting. 

Those who don’t like these sports or outdoor activities should also try to perform them because they are beneficial for recovery. 


Benefits of Playing Sports After Knee Replacement Surgery 

It’s a well-known fact being physical is one of the best ways to be fit and healthy. That’s why those who choose to be active after knee replacement surgery can experience faster and better results than a non-active person.

Here are some benefits of playing sports after knee replacement:

  • Better Knee Mobility 
  • Builds Strengths in Joint Muscles 
  • Eases Pain 
  • Reduces Swelling 
  • Improves Blood Circulation 
  • Mental Health Benefits 
  • Increase Social Engagement

After knowing about these benefits, you may be wondering “How long after a knee replacement can I play sport?” Well, approximately after 6 months you will be able to play low-impact sports.

But can you play soccer after knee replacement? Well, some sports are not recommended by health experts and football is one of them. There are some more which we will discuss in the next section.  


Sports to Avoid after Knee Replacement 

If you have tried to find what is the lifespan of knee replacement then you must know that it can last more than 15 years.

But let me tell you that this can be even less if the implant is not taken care of. That’s why after surgery one should avoid playing certain sports: 

  • Cricket 
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Powerlifting
  • Volleyball

Avoid these sports after knee replacement surgery if you wish to keep your implant healthy and intact.

You must have noticed that we have not mentioned badminton, so can you play badminton after knee replacement? Well, it depends on how you play it.

Know the limit of your knee and act accordingly. Try to play a light badminton game that doesn’t involve intense jumping and running. 



Playing sports after knee replacement surgery is a bit risky. But you can enjoy low-impact sports like cycling and swimming.

Intense sports like football, basketball, and cricket are strictly prohibited after the surgery. This is because they damage the knee implant and may lead to revision surgery.

So, if by chance you or your family member have played intense sports and now you are searching for a “Knee Replacement doctor Patna” to get a revision surgery, then look no further than Dr. Ramaknat Kumar. He provides the best knee replacement surgery in patna.

Regional folks like to visit him because of his years of experience and orthopedic expertise. Additionally, he is also famous for his affordable prices and super friendly nature.

Those who want to have a smooth, affordable, and effective revision surgery should contact Dr Ramakant Kumar as soon as possible. 

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