Bones are essential parts of the body, and it is important to increase bone density naturally if needed!
Usually, bones are stronger at a younger age and reduce their strength and density at an older age.
But it is crucial to maintain the strength and density of bone at every age.
However, research has shown that, after the age of 30 years, bone density and strength naturally reduce and lead to bone loss.
In addition, the research also states that people suffering from osteoporosis have a higher chance of bone loss.
Therefore, this blog will share 4 tips to increase bone density naturally.
So, let’s get started!
Tips to Increase Bone Density Naturally
Bone density is directly proportional to bone strength.
In other words, if the bone density increases, strength increases and vice versa.
Indeed, stronger bones are essential for the proper function of the body or in doing regular activity properly.
So, to maintain the density and strength of bones, you can follow these tips to increase bone density naturally.
Increase Calcium Intake
Nothing is better than increasing Calcium intake to increase bone density naturally.
Moreover, the Bone Specialist in Patna has agreed on the importance of Calcium for our bones.
In addition, Calcium is the essential nutrient that a bone needs to maintain its density and strength.
According to NCBI, taking 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily is best for adults.
However, it is not recommended to take it through supplements as it can cause severe harm to health.
For instance, it can cause heart strokes or attacks, kidney problems, and more.
So, how can you naturally increase Calcium in your body?
There are many natural sources of Calcium that people take, such as:
- Dairy products- Milk, Cheese, Curd, and more.
- Green vegetables- Curly kale, okra, etc.
- The bread is made of fortified flour.
- Canned salmon fish with soft bones.
- Calcium-enriched fruit juice.
Moreover, there are many more natural sources of Calcium that help you increase bone density naturally.
However, consult a dietician or professional to make a proper chart of Calcium intake.
Take Vitamin D and Vitamin K Regularly
Vitamin D and Vitamin K are vital for increasing bone density and strength naturally.
Moreover, Vitamin D is essential for the absorption and use of Calcium in the body.
On the other hand, Vitamin K binds minerals in bones to lower the loss of Calcium in bones.
Indeed, both of them work together to increase bone density naturally.
According to research, a normal person should take 2,000 IU of vitamin D and 120mg of Vitamin K daily.
Moreover, you can take these Vitamins through natural sources such as sun exposure, eggs, meat, cheese, soybean, and more.
Yet, research shows that more than one billion people are lower in Vitamin D and Vitamin K levels.
Moreover, lower Vitamin levels can increase the risk of bone loss, fracture, and more.
Therefore, taking Vitamin D and Vitamin K regularly is essential to increase bone density naturally.
Try Strengthening and Weight-bearing Exercise
Strengthening and weight-bearing exercises can increase and maintain bone density and strength.
Moreover, practicing these exercises can reduce the risk of bone loss, especially in older age.
Many people think these exercises are not for older age people and may increase the risk of bone fracture.
But this is not true as the best bone doctor in Patna suggests following a proper and regular exercise routine.
Moreover, these exercises help in improving the function of bones and prevent bone loss.
In addition, they can also help in the formation of bone density, strength, and size.
According to several studies, strengthening and weight-bearing exercise is beneficial for bones in several ways, including:
- Reduce inflammation.
- Increase muscle mass which supports bones.
- Prevent bone loss.
- Increase bone strength.
Thus, these are the benefits of performing strengthening and weight-bearing exercises to increase bone density naturally.
Moreover, if you want to know some best exercises to increase bone density, you can read this blog, Bone Density building Exercises.
Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
Smoking and alcoholism are injuries to overall health conditions, especially for people suffering from bone problems.
Studies have found that smoking and too much alcoholism can cause lower bone density, possibly leading to bone loss.
However, if you are habituated to smoking and alcohol, you must reduce your intake.
Many doctors suggest that any amount of smoking can cause harm to the overall health condition.
On the other hand, taking two or three drinks a day is somehow good, but more than that can cause severe harm.
The bone specialist in Patna states that too much alcoholism and smoking can cause several harms to bones, including:
- Lower blood supply to bones.
- Reduced production of bone-forming cells.
- Improper absorption of Calcium.
Therefore, avoiding alcohol and smoking can help your bone get better over time.
Moreover, it increases bone density naturally, in an indirect way.
Hence, these are the best tips you can follow to increase bone density naturally.
Bones are the essential parts of the body, and they need to be strong to perform regular activities properly.
Usually, bones are stronger at a younger age, and as the age increases, it starts losing their strength and density naturally.
However, it is essential to maintain the strength and density of bones at all stages of life.
Therefore, this blog has discussed the 4 best tips to increase bone density naturally.
Follow them correctly and consistently to maintain and increase the strength and density of bones.
And if you suffer from a severe case of lower bone density, you need to consult the bone specialist in Patna.